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What Are The Best Questions To Ask An MBA Interviewer?

February 24, 2024
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What to Expect During an InterviewPurpose of Asking Questions During the InterviewQuestions the MBA Interviewer May Ask YouBest Type of Questions to Ask an MBA InterviewerWorst Questions to Ask an MBA InterviewerFAQs

What to Expect During an Interview  

The key to preparing for your MBA interview lies in understanding what purpose the interview serves. Know your goals: present yourself well during the interview and demonstrate values and insights that reflect an exemplary MBA. 

Know your interviewer’s goals: to assess your communication skills and demeanor to faithfully inform the admissions committee as to your fit for the intended MBA program. Conducting research into the interview process and finding common questions that are asked will help you feel more confident going into your interview. 

This research should go beyond reading the guidelines set forth on your prospective MBA program’s admissions page. Seek out MBA blogs and articles that can give you a comprehensive idea of how MBA interviews play out so that you are not surprised or confused by the pace or format of your interview. 

If you have enrolled in some form of MBA application consulting, ask your consultant’s perspective on how to go about this research and what they think you should expect.

The interviewer’s questions will focus on your formative experiences and professional background, so practice talking about these topics. After all, it can be easy to feel awkward talking about your talents and accomplishments, but these details are exactly what the interviewer wants to hear. 

MBA interviews do not usually take more than 30-45 minutes, but there is no monolithic structure to an MBA interview, so be aware of how your institution likes to conduct interviews. Be adaptable because the interviewer can decide to abandon a line of inquiry or spring a new question on you whenever they feel it necessary. 

That said, most of the interview will consist of you telling the interviewer about your life and your motivations. Additionally, there will be time, even if it’s at the very end of your interview, when you can ask the interviewer any questions about the college or the program. 

Take advantage of this. Not asking questions might be interpreted as aloof or under-prepared. This article will go into more detail about the best questions to ask your MBA interviewer to help you present yourself as invested and curious. It’s imperative you ask good questions because they might just end up being the best way for you to bookend the perfect MBA interview.     

Purpose of Asking Questions During the Interview

Along with the statements you include in your MBA interview, there is a lot of value in asking questions during your interview, as they serve as tools for the admissions committee to further distinguish applicants from one another. 

Without the interview, applying for an MBA would be much less personal, and business schools would miss out on good candidates because they appeared differently on paper. 

The simple gesture of asking your interviewer questions might be enough to boost your chances of acceptance. As said previously, by asking questions, you exhibit that you identify the interview and your MBA application as the opportunities they are, chances to prove that you fit the bill of a motivated professional. 

Which questions you ask do matter, though. Don’t ask the interviewer anything that a search on the college’s webpage could answer just as quickly. Doing this could, if anything, hurt the quality of your interview if the interviewer interprets it as you misidentifying their role in your acceptance.

Instead, ask the interviewer for their insights or opinions. After all, the interview will be the only chance you get to have questions answered by an admissions team member. You will benefit from asking more personal, general questions because they will convey to the interviewer that you appreciate their expertise and perspective.

Additionally, asking questions closely related to the MBA program’s history and/or strengths shows that you are genuinely invested in trying to get into the program and that you take the MBA selection process seriously. 

Questions the MBA Interviewer May Ask You

Ready to ace your MBA interview? Let's dive into the types of questions you might encounter and how to approach each one with confidence.

Question 1: Why are you pursuing an MBA?

How to Answer This Question?

Explain why you're pursuing an MBA. Discuss your goals, whether it's advancing your career, gaining new skills, expanding your network, or transitioning to a new industry. Show how the MBA program aligns with your long-term objectives.

Question 2: Tell me about yourself

How to Answer This Question?

Start with a brief overview of your background, highlighting your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements. Then, transition into why you're interested in pursuing an MBA. Tailor your response to demonstrate how your background prepares you for the MBA program and supports your career aspirations.

Question 3: What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how have they influenced your journey thus far?

How to Answer This Question?

Share your strengths relevant to business and leadership roles, providing examples of how you've demonstrated them. Be honest about a weakness, explaining how you're actively addressing it to further develop yourself professionally.

Question 4: Why did you choose this college?

How to Answer This Question?

Show that you've done your research on the college's offerings, such as faculty expertise, curriculum, or alumni network. Explain how these factors align with your academic and career goals and why you believe this college is the best fit for you.

Question 5: Do you have any questions?

How to Answer This Question?

Express your genuine interest in the program by asking thoughtful questions about the curriculum, faculty, student culture, or career services. This demonstrates your engagement and eagerness to learn more about the MBA program and how it can help you achieve your goals.

Question 6: Describe yourself

How to Answer This Question?

Give a concise overview of your personality, work style, and values. Highlight traits that are relevant to success in business school and your future career, emphasizing your adaptability, leadership skills, and ability to work well in teams.

Question 7: Discuss your achievements as a leader

How to Answer This Question?

Highlight specific examples of when you've led teams, initiated positive changes, or achieved significant results. Share the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, showcasing your leadership abilities and impact.

Question 8: Walk me through your resume

How to Answer This Question?

Provide a chronological overview of your education, work experience, and any other relevant activities. Focus on key achievements and experiences that demonstrate your readiness for an MBA, emphasizing how each role has prepared you for the challenges of business school and beyond.

Question 9: Discuss a failure

How to Answer This Question?

Share a genuine failure or setback, and discuss what you learned from the experience. Reflect on how you've grown and developed as a result, showing your ability to handle adversity and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

Question 10: Describe an ethical dilemma you faced

How to Answer This Question?

Describe a challenging ethical situation you encountered, detailing the conflicting values at play. Explain how you navigated the dilemma, the decision-making process you followed, and the outcome of your actions, demonstrating your integrity and ethical judgment.

Question 11: Describe your career aspirations

How to Answer This Question?

Articulate your short-term and long-term career goals, explaining how the MBA fits into your professional journey. Discuss the specific industries, roles, or challenges you're interested in pursuing and how you plan to leverage your MBA to achieve them.

Question 12: How would your coworkers describe you?

How to Answer This Question?

Offer insights into your professional reputation and interpersonal skills. Highlight positive traits such as reliability, collaboration, or leadership, and provide examples or anecdotes that illustrate these qualities in action.

Question 13: Why should we admit you?

How to Answer This Question?

Highlight your unique combination of skills, experiences, and perspectives, emphasizing how they align with the values and goals of the MBA program. Show how you'll contribute to the program's diversity and enrich the learning experience for your peers, ultimately demonstrating why you're a valuable addition to the community.

Best Type of Questions to Ask an MBA Interviewer

The key to any question you ask during your MBA interview is to show that you’re trying to learn more about the MBA program structure and the values of the institution.  Let’s take a look at some. 

Question 1: What literature have you encountered about the MBA program that particularly resonated with you, and how does it align with the values of this institution?

Why is This a Good Question?

This question demonstrates your proactive approach to researching the MBA program and shows your interest in understanding its values and structure.

Question 2: Can you share your personal experience or insights about what motivated you to join the admissions committee or which aspects of the school's mission statement resonate with you the most?

Why is This a Good Question?

This question shows respect for the interviewer's perspective and offers you insights into the values that the admissions committee prioritizes.

Question 3: What features of the MBA program do you believe are most advantageous for individuals in my area of interest?

Why is This a Good Question?

This question shows your interest in understanding how the MBA program can specifically benefit you in your chosen field or career path.

Question 4: Could you provide information about the college's student support system, particularly regarding tutoring and writing centers?

Why is This a Good Question?

This question demonstrates your awareness of the resources available to support your academic success and highlights your commitment to utilizing available support services effectively.

As you can see, there are plenty of questions you can pick from that will help your interview better represent you. The critical aspect of these questions is not what specific facet of your MBA education you ask about, but that your question seeks more in-depth information than what is already available.

You’ll appear more invested in getting into the program and also seem more confident, as the interviewer will see that you are already planning for your life at their institution.  

Worst Questions to Ask an MBA Interviewer

Let's discuss the questions you should avoid asking during an MBA interview. While they may seem well-meaning, they could inadvertently signal a lack of preparation or understanding of the program.

Question 1: Can I pick a major or emphasis for my MBA?

Why Is This a Bad Question to Ask?

This question may seem straightforward, but it signals to the interviewer that you haven't done your homework. Most MBA programs clearly outline their available majors or specializations on their websites or in program materials. Asking this question suggests a lack of initiative and basic research on your part, which could leave a negative impression on the interviewer.

Question 2: How do professors here grade presentations?

Why Is This a Bad Question to Ask?

Asking about the grading process for presentations may catch the interviewer off guard. Typically, interviewers are not directly involved in academic affairs like grading. This question could make you appear unaware of the interviewer's role or unprepared for the interview. It's better to focus on topics that demonstrate your understanding of the program and your qualifications as a candidate.

Question 3: How successful could I be in the finance sector with this MBA degree?

Why Is This a Bad Question to Ask?

This question is overly speculative and asks the interviewer to predict your future career success, which is beyond your expertise. It also suggests a misunderstanding of the purpose of an MBA program, which is to provide a foundation of knowledge and skills rather than guarantee specific career outcomes. Instead of seeking predictions, focus on discussing your goals and aspirations and how the MBA program aligns with them.

In summary, asking questions that can be easily answered with basic research, fall outside the interviewer's scope, or lack a clear answer can detract from your overall impression during an MBA interview. 

To make a lasting impression, it's crucial to show you're well-prepared, understand the program, and engage thoughtfully. If you're uncertain about the questions to ask, practicing with mock interviews can help you polish your approach.


1. Should I write questions down ahead of time and keep them on my person during the interview? 

If this would help you, then go for it. Writing the questions down will help you remember their phrasings and what you hope to learn from the answers. Keeping the questions on you will give you a chance to refresh yourself on them before the interview or during a break. 

Honestly, you could even pull the questions out during the interview to refer to them. Doing this may feel like you’re scatter-brained or forgetful, but there is nothing unprofessional about reading your questions instead of having them memorized, and the interviewer is more likely to consider you well-prepared. 

2. What should I do if the interviewer seems confused or put off by my question?

You can always try to rephrase the question respectfully; just make sure not to do so condescendingly. If the second attempt does not land either, forfeit the question. Better to do so than to stammer out more explanations or rewordings and make it more awkward. 

If the failed question is bothering you, you could try to explain what you were trying to learn from the question. It still might not make sense to your interviewer, but they’ll probably appreciate your transparency and be understanding of the miscommunication.

3. What should I do if one of my questions doesn’t feel right in the moment?

Trust your gut. Trust your gut for the whole interview, not just during the questions. Read your interviewer and gauge their interest level in certain subjects. If you feel hesitant about a question you had prepared, there is likely a reason. Better to leave it unsaid than risk being right about your hesitation. 

4. How many questions should I ask?

Generally speaking, it is probably best to ask only one or two, maybe three, if there’s time for it. You don’t want to inundate your interviewer with questions and overwhelm them. There are many reasons this would be a bad idea, but the foremost reason would be that you risk causing your interviewer to forget the intelligent things you said earlier or the good impression you made. 

There is also a “trust your gut” aspect to how many questions you should ask. If your interviewer answers your first one or two questions in a way that seems more drawn-back, don’t push for a third. 

They may not feel like your timing is appropriate, or they may not feel qualified to answer your questions. Remember: you’re trying to make a statement about yourself just by asking intelligent questions. Don’t undercut this goal by getting caught up with the number of questions you ask. 

5. Should I ask questions throughout the interview or only at the end?

Luckily, you won’t have to figure this out on your own. Take the interviewer’s lead when they take a longer pause if you have a follow-up question. More than likely, they will themselves bring up the topic of questions you may want to ask and give you a chance to ask them. 

If nothing else, you can bring your questions up at the end of the interview. Tell the interviewer you have some questions prepared, and ask if they have time to answer them. The worst thing they’ll say is no.

6. Should I write down the interviewer’s answers?

If the interviewer answers a question based on something hypothetical or conceptual, only write down their answer if it’s complex or if there’s wording that you specifically want to remember. Otherwise, focus on listening. 

If the response includes the name of an office or advisor with whom they’re suggesting you inquire, you should write down the person/office’s name and any contact information that the interviewer has. These reasons stand; avoid writing their answers down in most other cases. 

Don’t write the interviewer’s answers down so you can quote them; this could be interpreted as flattery or even somewhat sarcastic.


The interview stage of your MBA application is bound to cause you to stress out; it is a fairly high-pressured interaction, after all. Even so, there is no reason to feel overwhelmed while preparing for it. The questions you’ll be asked will concern your own experiences, so it’s in no way as nerve-racking as, say, an oral exam. 

The interviewer is also certainly not out to get you; they would much rather accept you than not, as long as you're qualified and motivated. With this in mind, you should not lose sleep over contemplating what questions to ask during an MBA interview. 

The very fact that you’re reading an article about the best questions to ask your MBA interviewer shows that you’re taking your preparation and research seriously. 

As long as the questions you ask are not redundant or aimless, they are almost assured to help you come across as an even more focused and professional applicant. Keep the questions on topic, related to your interviewer’s point of view, and open-ended, and they will make an excellent addition to an already aced interview. 

About Inspira Futures

At Inspira Futures, our sole focus is to get you accepted at your dream business school. Our team of experts consists of former admission committee members and alums from Harvard Business School, Stanford GSB, and other M7 schools. Our goal is to help you write great essays, ace interviews, and win scholarships. Without any stress or hassle. Our clients have gone on to secure admits at the world's top business schools while also being winners of some of the most prestigious scholarships like Stanford Knight Hennessy, HBS Baker Scholars, and many others.
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