What is the GMAT?
The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, is a multiple-choice, computer-based test many business schools use as part of their application process. It usually takes around three and a half hours to complete and comprises four sections that measure various verbal, quantitative, reasoning, and writing skills. When taking the test, you can choose the order you take each section, selecting from a set of patterns to prioritize whichever area you want to be first or last, for example.
The GMAT is not like an ordinary standardized test; it adapts to your performance while taking it. For example, you will usually be presented with a more difficult one for each question you get right afterward, while the opposite is true if you get a question wrong.
The GMAT is scored between 200 and 800, with most test-takers coming out with a score in the high 500s, but we will discuss GMAT averages in more detail later.
The test aims to present a holistic view of your abilities across several of the skills that Vineet Chhabra, a senior director at the organization that runs the GMAT is “most relevant for business school.”
One of the skills that the GMAT explores that you might not necessarily have been tested on before is your ‘integrated reasoning.’ This aspect of the GMAT examines your ability to read data and solve problems, which is necessary for business settings.
GMAT Scoring Table
To give you a better idea of the GMAT, here is a table showcasing the various possible scores:
This data has been collected from the period of January 2020 to December 2022.
What is a Good GMAT Score?
So, now that we know what the GMAT is, what is considered a good GMAT score? This depends on your aims in terms of schools or MBA programs. Considering averages across all the people who take the GMAT, getting a score of 590 will put you in the upper half of testers, and getting a score of 760 will put you in the top 1%.
Getting into the prestigious M7 group of business schools usually requires a GMAT score above 700. To put into context just how demanding getting into these schools can be regarding test scores, the average GMAT score of students accepted into the Stanford Business School’s MBA program is 738.
This should give you a good idea of the caliber of test scores that are, on average, accepted by the most prestigious MBA programs in the world. Even outside of the M7, you will struggle to find a top business school’s MBA program that doesn’t have an average GMAT score above 700 for its accepted students.
Take a look at this table of the top business schools ranked by the average GMAT scores achieved by accepted students:
As you can see, high-ranked business schools generally require very high scores.
How Important is my GMAT Score?
Test scores are not the only part of your MBA profile. Top business schools look at various factors, including your work experience, existing degrees, and entrance essay, to decide if they want to consider your application. Your GMAT score is essentially a display of your academic potential.
Business schools look for candidates with good GMAT scores because it indicates they can handle an MBA program's academic pressures. It will be examined alongside metrics like your GPA to gain a clear, empirical picture of your academic ability.
Your GMAT score matters for your MBA application because test scores help form part of MBA rankings, influencing a business school’s future success. Look at any significant outlet’s ranking of business schools, and you will see the school’s average GMAT scores alongside other metrics, such as average salaries after graduation from MBA programs.
Business schools are incentivized to obtain high-scoring candidates and boost their rankings, increasing their prestige and degree demand.
Average GMAT Score for 25 Best Popular Schools
To help you understand what a good GMAT score is, here are the average scores for 25 of the best schools.
As you can see, many of these schools have high GMAT averages. To ensure you get accepted, aim for a score higher than the average score of the school you’re applying to.
What is a Good Integrated Reasoning GMAT Score?
The Integrated Reasoning scores span from 1 to 8, with increments of one digit. These scores present an additional data point for schools to evaluate applicants for their programs and have no impact on the Quantitative, Verbal, Total, and Analytic Writing assessment scores.
Here is a table showing the various Integrated Reasoning scores and the percentile rankings.
Source: MBA
What is a Good Analytical Writing GMAT Score?
A good GMAT score for the Analytical Writing Assessment is typically 5.0 or above, with the scoring system ranging from 0 to 6. Ensure you aim for this score or higher to have a good score.
Here is a table showing the various Analytical Writing scores and the percentile rankings.
Source: MBA
What is a Good Essay GMAT Score?
The GMAT essay is a part of the Analytical Writing section of the exam. To have a competitive score for this section, aim for a 5.0 or higher. Here is a visual representation of the various scores you can earn on this section of the GMAT.
Source: MBA
Applying to Schools Based on Your GMAT score
What do you do with this information now? If you already know your GMAT score or what kind of range you think you will fall into, you can start looking at schools that tend to accept students within your GMAT range. This exercise will help you understand where you would most likely be accepted because, as we have seen, the GMAT score forms a very significant part of the admissions process for top business schools.
To look at it the other way, looking at your desired school and the average GMAT scores of its accepted students will give you a target. Getting a score that equals or exceeds the average for your preferred school will make you much more likely to succeed in your application.
This doesn’t mean your GMAT score will guarantee a place at any school if you meet its averages. Especially for top business schools, a wide range of factors is vital to a successful application, including a good GPA, impressive resume, solid work experience, good letters of recommendation, and a killer entrance essay.
Don’t just assume that having a great GMAT score will allow you into any business school you please. It is only one aspect among many that admissions officers will evaluate to choose which applicants they wish to allow into their programs. Still, it is a way to judge your chances of acceptance.

Top Tips for Scoring Well on the GMAT
If you feel that your GMAT score needs improvement, you can do several things to make a change. Maybe you’ve looked at the averages for your dream school and discovered that you are a fair few points shy of the usually accepted number (yikes!). This needn’t be a cause for concern as it gives you a clear and actionable area to improve your MBA profile that will improve your chances of being accepted.
The first and most obvious way to improve your score is simply to put more work in. If you’re serious about getting into an MBA program, you have been putting in a decent amount of work already (or maybe you haven’t; we won’t judge), but data shows a clear correlation between more hours spent preparing for the test and higher test scores as a result.
Those who prepared for 80 hours averaged a score between 600 and 690, while those who prepared for 90 or more hours scored above 700 on average. So, while being told to hit the books might seem obvious, your preparation level will almost certainly indicate what you will get from it in terms of test scores. You must decide what score or school you aim for and adjust your preparation level accordingly.
Another thing you can do is further understand what the GMAT is and how it works. As we have already discussed, the GMAT does not function like standardized tests you are likely to have encountered before, as it values reasoning skills and the application of knowledge above one’s ability to memorize test answers simply. As such, reading articles like this is a good start and maybe try expanding your research to understand what the GMAT will be testing and how you can best deal with its unique challenges.
After putting in the work and researching the test until you completely understand its inner workings, maybe just try a retake. The price tag can, of course, be prohibitive for many. If money is an issue for you, you might want to ensure you are as prepared as you can be; consider using some of the free resources the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) offers to certify that your retake will be worth it. But whether you can or cannot afford to retake the test numerous times shouldn’t worry you too much, as data from GMAC shows that three-fourths of candidates who retook the GMAT test improved on their previous scores.
A final option for you to consider is simply not taking the test. This may sound like terrible advice, but there are different paths if you struggle to improve your score to the levels you want or need. The GMAT focuses heavily on your mathematical abilities, so you could seriously struggle in the test if you aren’t from a number-crunching background.
There is a saving grace – many top business schools also accept the GRE test in their application process instead of a GMAT test. The GRE, or Graduate Record Examinations, is a much easier option if you are struggling with the mathematical aspects of the GMAT and might result in a much more impressive-looking MBA profile.

What to Do if Your GMAT Score is Low
So, let’s say it’s a worst-case scenario – your GMAT score is too low, and you don’t have the time, money, or means to improve it. As always, there are options. Business schools sometimes offer test waivers when you have some kind of other qualifying circumstance that might prove your suitability for an MBA program more than any test score might.
These can include impressive work experience, academic achievements, or other attainments that mean the school has reason not to ask you to submit a test score. There are dozens of business school MBA programs that offer waivers on test scores instead of allowing aspects such as those discussed above to speak for the candidate’s suitability.
Of course, this plan relies on you having some other way to prove your worthiness to your desired business school. Yet, this can be a good option for you to consider if you think it would be easier to get a solid work or academic background to fill out your profile rather than test scores.
Another plan is to simply not worry about it! As we discussed, your test scores form only part of your application. The averages for top business schools are only that – averages. Top schools always have a degree of variety in their accepted students. At Chicago Booth, for example, students with GMAT scores 600 were accepted, although their median score is 730. This shows that even if you think your score is far below what would be accepted at your desired school, you always have a chance of success, as numerous case studies can testify. One example of Marcus, from the United States, who got into Wharton with a GMAT score of only 660 using help from us at Inspira Futures!
Do you want to receive practice GMAT questions daily to help you prepare for the exam? We offer free GMAT practice questions written by a 780 scorer!

If you still have questions, check out our frequently asked questions.
1. Do You Have to Pay to Take the GMAT?
Yes, taking the GMAT costs money, but it varies depending on where you take it. There are testing centers worldwide, but the cost is $275 in the US. Also, as mentioned above, GMAC offers free resources to help you prepare and test yourself ahead of the actual test. If money is a concern, it could be in your interest to use those resources to maximize your chances of getting the score you want on your first try.
2. How Long Do GMAT Scores Last?
Your GMAT score will be valid for five years after taking the test and can be reported for 10 years.
3. How Many Times Can You Take the GMAT?
You can take the GMAT every 16 days, but no more than five times in 12 months and 8 times in total.
4. Can You Take the GMAT Test Online?
Suppose you would prefer not to incur the expense or disruption of getting to a testing center. In that case, there is the option of taking an online version of the GMAT anywhere globally, except for Mainland China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Sudan. There are some differences between the online test and that which you would take in a test center, so be sure to read more on this topic if it is relevant to you.
5. How Long Do You Have to Wait to Receive Your Scores From a GMAT?
In most cases, your scores will be delivered 5-7 days after taking your test, although in some cases it can take up to 20.
6. What Can I Do if I Scored Badly on the GMAT?
Apart from simply retaking the test after the minimum 16 days wait, you can ask to cancel your score at the testing center, and it will not be shown to any schools. You can also have your score revoked online for a small fee if you ask within 72 hours after the start of your exam.