How to Write MBA Resume With Examples - The Complete Guide

May 29, 2024
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MBA Resume ExamplesFormat and Layout for an MBA ResumeLanguage to Incorporate in Your MBA ResumeContent to Include in Your MBA ResumeFAQs

Your resume has the potential to be the single most important page of your application. Do you want to know why? It is the only document that comprehensively reflects your professional and academic background. This snapshot is important for giving the Admissions Committee (AdCom) an idea of who you are before they dive deep into your story.

Most candidates applying to business school haven’t had to make a resume for at least three or four years. Also, they last made a resume when looking for a job. Here is what you need to look at to ensure your resume is business-school-ready.

MBA Resume Examples

Here are some examples of MBA resumes to help give you an idea of what to write.

Example #1

Check out this MBA resume example:



San Diego, CA
(123) 456-7890

Master of Business Administration
University of San Diego
2014 - 2016
San Diego, CA

Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
Stanford University
2008 - 2012
Stanford, CA


  • Presentations
  • Budgeting
  • Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Negotiation
  • Problem Solving

Adept and persistent business mind with 10 years of experience analyzing and streamlining processes. Searching for an advanced challenge as an operations manager where my problem-solving skills, project management knowledge, and financial expertise will revive Gucci's product line, automation, and bottom line.


Business Operations Analyst
2018 - current / San Diego, CA

  • Led resource team to address ad hoc analytic needs, finding an additional $16K to revamp employee incentive program
  • Supervised the retrieval and aggregate of data and compiled it into a digestible, actionable format for a leadership team of 18
  • Observed processes and documented recommendations to save 325 manhours per month for grocery pickers
  • Managed policies and procedures to improve KPI performance, meeting deadlines and goals 98.7% of the time

Operations Analyst
2016 - 2018 / San Diego, CA

  • Managed executive and stakeholder coordination and material, ensuring the operations department integrated across the global team of 2K employees
  • Directed collaboration with the sales and engineering team to improve cost-effectiveness across all platforms, reducing costs by 7% in the first year of employment
  • Headed policies and business process reviews for operations across the North American Northwest region, traveling 24% of the time for client meetings, presentations, and trainings
  • Delivered 120+ reports 4 times per year regarding industry and market trends across all departments

Business Analyst
2012 - 2016 / San Diego, CA

  • Managed the creation and maintenance of dashboards to report companywide metrics
  • Supervised the evaluation, analysis, and communication system and delivered reports 3 times a week to all relevant staff
  • Authored and updated internal and external documentation about hiring and training of a 6-person analytics team

Example #2

Here is another example of a great MBA resume to draw inspiration from. 

Business Analyst
Tallahassee, FL | (123) 456-7890


Policy Analyst
Total Safety Consulting Group Inc.
2021 - Current
Tallahassee, FL

  • Conducted in-depth analysis of voting and policy data, facilitating informed decision-making among stakeholders
  • Developed state-wide surveys to gauge voter concerns, implementing an algorithm to identify trends, resulting in a 12% increase in stakeholder engagement
  • Managed a team of 6 analysts in reviewing, editing, and proposing solutions to policy drafts
  • Led cost-benefit analyses and organized focus groups to predict policy outcomes, collaborating with academia and governing bodies

Marketing Analyst
2020 - 2021
Tallahassee, FL

  • Directed forecasting models to ensure accurate reporting for finance, capital markets, and strategy teams
  • Researched and collected data to address long-term strategic inquiries, implementing an algorithm to improve data collection speed by 22%
  • Established a metrics-driven culture across departments, emphasizing data accessibility and frequent communication
  • Developed training materials and supervised the onboarding of 14 interns, guiding them in handling marketing, pricing, and operational challenges

Marketing Analyst Intern
NWF Health Network
2019 - 2020
Tallahassee, FL

  • Assessed the impact of marketing initiatives and contributed to the development of a process that reduced information loss by 7%
  • Co-created secondary metrics and dashboards to monitor customer acquisition and engagement, resulting in a 4% increase in retention
  • Compiled best practices manual for non-technical marketing stakeholders


Ambitious and discerning liaison, currently pursuing an MBA with excellent analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills backed by 3 years of relevant experience. Seeking a business analyst role at Path-Tec to leverage industry knowledge and drive operational efficiency.


Master of Business Administration
Florida State University
2021 - Current
Tallahassee, FL

Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
Florida State University
2016 - 2020
Tallahassee, FL


  • Analytical
  • Negotiation
  • Collaboration
  • SAP
  • Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint)

Example #3

Finally, check out this MBA resume

MBA Candidate
Charlottesville, VA | (123) 456-7890

Zealous bookstore clerk with aspirations to leverage team coordination, customer relations, and project leadership skills in an MBA program. Aiming to cultivate a robust background in business administration, positioning for future leadership roles.


Mudhouse Coffee - Bookstore Clerk
2022 - Current
Charlottesville, VA

  • Managed stock levels in Shopify, reducing out-of-stock incidents by 48% through quarterly updates
  • Designed and administered customer satisfaction surveys via SurveyMonkey, achieving an average rating of 4.3 out of 5
  • Implemented a software system for sorting and displaying new arrivals, contributing to a 17% increase in sales for featured books
  • Received "Employee of the Month" award thrice in seven months for exceptional customer service and teamwork
  • Trained 5 new employees on store tasks and systems, including Asana and Shopify, reducing overall onboarding time by 36%


Retail Renaissance - Project Leader

  • Utilized Microsoft Excel to record research on local retail consumer trends, improving understanding of key buying decision factors by 22%
  • Presented project updates to the team, securing a 97% approval rate for continued funding
  • Managed project budget with QuickBooks, achieving an 11% cost-saving rate over 4 months without compromising quality or timelines
  • Developed a multichannel marketing strategy increasing online sales by 29% and in-store sales by 14%
  • Conducted post-implementation audits, revealing a 91% achievement rate on completing project milestones


University of Virginia - Darden School of Business
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
2020 - Current
Charlottesville, VA


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • QuickBooks
  • Asana
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Shopify

Now that you’ve seen these MBA resume samples, make sure that yours looks similar to this format. It’s important that you use these MBA CV templates as inspiration and not copy directly from them! 

Format and Layout for an MBA Resume

Before you start your MBA admission resume, you should look at the format and layout of one. Here is what you should expect your resume to look like. 

MBA Resume Formatting


Ensure your resume is one page long. The admission committee has little time to read a lengthy two-page resume. You might have something interesting and impactful buried away on the second page. It’ll be a shame if the AdCom never gets to it.

Don’t focus on internships and college experiences unless you apply for deferred admission.

Unless there is an extremely impactful college experience, don’t mention it in your resume. There is a premium on real estate when you are drafting your resume. You are already listing the name of your institution and degree. Beyond this, make sure the college experiences you list are extraordinary. 

This does not hold for college seniors or graduate students applying to deferred MBA programs. Don’t worry about focusing on college experiences if you are a college senior or graduate student – you will be evaluated on a different set of criteria.

Font and Spacing

Choose a simple template that is easy to read, has enough space between lines, and uses a clean font. You should choose Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font style and size in 11 or 12-point size. Also, don’t use elaborate or over-designed templates that might be appropriate for marketing or design professions.


For an MBA program resume, opt for a professional and understated color palette. Use classic neutral tones such as black for text and headings and shades of gray for depth. Maintain a clean and readable look with a white or light background. 

Consider sparingly adding deep, rich colors like burgundy or navy for elegance. Consistency in the color scheme is vital for a polished appearance. Avoid overly bright or distracting colors, focusing on presenting qualifications and achievements clearly and cohesively.

File Type

It's recommended to use the PDF file type. PDFs maintain formatting consistency across devices and are universally accepted. They are secure and less prone to alterations, providing a professional, standardized presentation for print and digital submissions.

Cover Letter Format

Use a professional format for an MBA cover letter. Begin with a formal greeting and a brief introduction. Explain your motivation for pursuing an MBA, linking it to your career goals and the specific program. Highlight relevant experiences and skills in the body paragraphs. Close with a strong conclusion expressing gratitude. 

The letter should be well-formatted, error-free, and tailored to the program or job requirements. Maintain a professional tone and aim for a concise one-page length.

MBA Resume Layout and Sections

Depending on how many years of experience, your resume may look different, but not by a lot. Here are the resume layout and sections for experienced applicants and applicants with less than two years of experience. 

Experienced Applicants

For experienced MBA applicants, a well-structured resume begins with a clear header and a concise summary stating career goals. Prioritize the professional experience section, detailing roles in reverse chronological order, focusing on achievements. Include a skills section showcasing key competencies, followed by education details and relevant honors. 

Optionally, incorporate sections for certifications, affiliations, and community involvement. Maintain a clean and organized design, tailoring the resume to align with the specific MBA program's criteria.

Applicants With Less Than 2 Years of Experience

For MBA applicants with less than two years of experience, the resume layout should prioritize academic achievements and potential. Begin with a clear header and an impactful objective statement outlining career goals within the MBA context. Emphasize the education section detailing degrees and honors. 

Include internships, part-time roles, or relevant projects under the experience section, focusing on skills gained. Highlight key competencies in a skills section and showcase extracurricular activities, certifications, or volunteer work. Maintain a clean design, using bullet points for readability, and tailor the resume to connect with the specific criteria of the MBA program.

MBA Resume Writing Style 

For an MBA resume, adopt a clear, concise writing style focused on achievements and skills. Start with a strong summary statement. Use action verbs to emphasize accomplishments and quantify achievements in professional experience. Clearly articulate transferable skills relevant to an MBA program, maintaining a formal and professional tone. 

Organize information logically with bullet points for readability and tailor the content to align with program or industry requirements. Proofread diligently for accuracy and coherence.

Language to Incorporate in Your MBA Resume

Here are what you should incorporate in your resume. 

Punchy and Accessible

Your resume should be direct. Don’t over explain or provide unnecessary detail about your background and experiences. For example, if you are listing language skills in your resume, English doesn’t need to be there.

Your entire application is in English, so the AdCom knows that you speak the language. However, it’s worth adding a language skills section if you have extraordinary language skills and are fluent in say six different languages.

Use Metrics‍

Quantify the impact of your work as much as possible. Numbers speak louder than just words. For example, saying that you ‘grew the revenue of a business line’ is not as impactful as saying your ‘strategy led to a $15M increase in revenue in 6 months’.

Don’t Use Industry Jargon ‍

You never know what the background of your AdCom member will be. They might not be familiar with your industry. Writing a resume that anyone with a general business background can understand is always good practice.

Content to Include in Your MBA Resume

Here is what you should include in your resume. 

Contact Information 

Include your full name, phone number, email address, and, if relevant, a link to your LinkedIn profile. This section is essential for prospective admissions committees to reach you.

Resume Summary or Profile

Begin your resume with a concise summary or profile discussing your career goals and key strengths. This section provides a quick overview of what you bring to the table.

Work Experience 

In the work experience section, outline your professional journey. Emphasize achievements, responsibilities, and quantifiable results from each role, showcasing your practical skills and contributions.


Present details about your academic background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, graduation dates, and any academic honors or awards. This section helps establish your educational qualifications.

Additional Information and Achievements 

Use this section to highlight additional relevant information, such as certifications, languages spoken, or any notable accomplishments that contribute to your overall profile.


Conclude your resume with a dedicated skills section. Highlight key competencies that align with the MBA program or industry requirements. This provides a quick reference to your abilities and strengths.


If you still have questions, check out these frequently asked questions. 

1. How Do You List an MBA on a Resume?

Include the university or business school name, dates of study or graduation, and the official course title.

2. What Makes a Good MBA Resume?

A compelling summary emphasizing achievements, relevant work experience, clear education details, and additional skills aligned with program or industry requirements.

3. How Do I Write a CV for an MBA Graduate?

Create an MBA graduate CV by summarizing your academic achievements, skills, and work experience tailored to your industry, and end with a strong summary showing you're ready to make a valuable contribution.

4. How Many Pages Should an MBA Resume Be?

Your MBA resume should be one page, prioritizing concise content highlighting achievements for busy admission committees.

Final Conclusion

Now that you better understand how to write an MBA resume, ensure you implement the tips we’ve provided. You must create an impactful resume because admission committees will reference this when deciding whether you’ll get accepted. 

Good luck!


Reviewed by:

Alexei Sorokin

Investment Banking and Corporate Development Expert

Reviewed: 5/28/24

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At Inspira Futures, our sole focus is to get you accepted at your dream business school. Our team of experts consists of former admission committee members and alums from Harvard Business School, Stanford GSB, and other M7 schools. Our goal is to help you write great essays, ace interviews, and win scholarships. Without any stress or hassle. Our clients have gone on to secure admits at the world's top business schools while also being winners of some of the most prestigious scholarships like Stanford Knight Hennessy, HBS Baker Scholars, and many others.
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